Shamanic Breathwork
Level 111: Master Practitioner
Apprenticeship Program
The Apprenticeship Program is for certified Shamanic Breathwork Facilitators who have completed both the Level I: S.H.I.P. program, the Level II: Facilitator Skills program, and who feel a deeper calling to planetary service and embodying Shamanic Consciousness in their everyday lives and sacred work.
Stepping into the path of apprenticing with Venus Rising is for those who have a true calling to this work and of being in service to others. In this 300+ hour training you will have the opportunity to work with a Mentor, who will guide you into deeper levels within yourself and the work, as you take it out into the world.
The Apprenticeship Program is designed to be highly individualized, together with your Mentor you will create a personalized program that is led by your interests and desired areas of development. By the end of the program you will be able to demonstrate masterful proficiency in all steps necessary to set, hold, execute, process, integrate, and complete a SBW Ceremony with confidence and professionalism.
All Apprentices will re-enter into both the S.H.I.P program and SKILLS program on a deeper level. Master Apprentices are invited to step into holding the training as if it is your own. Just like being a parent or leader of a group, this comes with a lot of hard work and dedication in the responsibility of holding space for others. Apprentices are usually the first ones on site in the morning and the last ones to leave at night!
Overview Expectations as a Master Apprentice
Repeat S.H.I.P & Skills programs as an M.A.
Attend 10 Mentoring Sessions (4 group, 6 private 1:1).
Demonstrate proficiency in the core elements of a Shamanic Breathwork ceremony.
Work with a designated Mentor throughout the program.
Provide feedback on trainings, your Mentor and self-assessment reflections.
Expectations during the S.H.I.P and Skills trainings as an M.A.​
Set & maintain sacred space.
Create altars.
Facilitate the SBW Ceremony alongside staff.
Participate in staff meetings.
Facilitate process groups.
Anticipate needs of students & staff.
Support students' personal healing and transformation.
Do anything else that needs to be done - Learn by living in the Fire!
What’s Included
Your tuition includes:
Two in-person trainings - a SHIP Program and a SKILLS program.
4 group mentoring sessions (before & after each training).
6 private mentoring sessions.
Ongoing support of Mentor.
Library of Resources from Star Wolf & the VR Team.
This is an important initiation within the Shamanic Breathwork Training, where students have the opportunity to fully show up in service for others, while holding their own personal process. At this level of facilitation you can expect to be included in the behind the scenes of the Shamanic Breathwork Training, from beginning to end. This includes participating in Staff Meetings, discussing and designing the schedule to create a safe and magical container for shamanic transformation. You also have more contact time with Venus Rising Staff behind the scenes to ask questions, work with different Facilitator Skill techniques, and experience how a variety of ways that Venus Rising Staff embodies Shamanic Consciousness in their lives. ​
At this level of training Master Apprentices are offered the opportunity to experience yet another octave of their own healing and transformation, as well as further hands on training in the work.

Venus Rising's Master Practitioner Program is registered with the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance as an accredited qualification. Upon graduation you are eligible to enroll with them as an Accredited Practitioner. We stand with the GPBA for quality of standards in breathwork training and ethics.
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Upon completion of the Apprenticeship Program, you are certified as a Shamanic Breathwork Master Practitioner.
At this level, you are eligible to apply to become a Venus Rising Satellite. This can lead you to the honor and responsibility of hosting your own S.H.I.P. trainings! For more information on this, Contact Us.